Theme: video games Client: University of Malaga
Partner: Mindiff Program: research DNemesis is the name of a research project which focuses on AI (artificial intelligence) apply to video games. Thisproject involved Euromedia and a Research Group from the University of Málaga which isled by a Professor/ Principal Researcher in Software Engineering. The overall goal of the project is to develop an ethical approach which can be applied across distributed sytems in order to identify( in a controlled environment), subjectively interesting random solutions emerging in search and optimization problems in which there is a high degree of interaction amongst the components/entities which model them. To carry out the project DNemeis the research team will use the engine PLAGUE – this is an engine which is capable of developing games such as ‘triple A’as Starcraft II, Diablo III, and which can be used for the creation all kinds of games such RPG and ETR too.