Theme: environment, sustainablefilm and tv productions Client: Promalaga
Partners: Film London (UK) – Lead Partner; Bucharest Ilfov Regional Development Agency (Romania); Flanders Audiovisual Fund (Belgium); Ile-de-France Film Commission (France); Municipality of Ystad (Sweden); Municipal Company of Initiatives of Malaga S.A. – Promlaga (Spain); Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (Poland) and Regional Development Agency Senec – Pezinok (Slovakia) Program: research Green Screen aims to reduce the carbon footprint of European film and TV production. The film and TV industries are a successful driver for growth across Europe, but they are also a major source of carbon emissions. Productions move between locations and affect the environment through their use of transport, construction, lighting, catering and water. Some companies have recognized the environmental impact of their activities and are changing working practices to make their operations more sustainable.The project is funded by the EU’s Interreg Europe programme through the European Regional Development Fund