Ayuntamiento de Málaga logo with blue backgroundTheme: Creative Industries and Creative Incubators
Client: Promalaga, Local Development Agency (Municipality of Málaga)
Partners: Portugal (Evora, lead partner), Italy, Greece and Spain.
Program: MED
Assisting Promalaga, the Regional Development Agency of the Municipality of Malaga and the SMEs from their incubator spaces: In supporting the execution and implementation of the ICE Program, we tutored twelve SMEs for a period of fourteen months and provided them with specialized one-to-one  consultancy as well as a set of management tools designed for the creative sector. A key output of this Project was the creation of  two incubators spaces in Málaga cityLas Virreinas and La Píndola.

Trusted by the world’s fastest growing companies:
UE flag with the Lifelong Learning Programme letters in blue
European Union flag with the Creative Europe Programme letters in blue
Reindus Programme banner with the Spanish shield over yellow background
UK shield with the UK Trade & Investment letters in black with a thin vertical red line over white background
Interreg Euro MED logo with white
Interreg IVC with the colorful star logo and blue letters over white background